Sunday, December 14, 2008

6 days and counting..

I can't beleive I'm already finishing up y first semester of college! I feel like I've been here forever and like it's just started. I have my apartment for next semester with my lovely roommate Meaghan. It has 2 floors a big ol' couch and normal sized kitchen and I'm so excited to move in and have my own space(and a queen size bed). 
The last 3 and a half months have been a whirlwind of change and growth for me. I've been immersed in a multicultural  environment constantly which is exactly why I wanted to come here, while at the same time, it is nothing like I imagined. I've realized that we don't all have the same general idea for life, which sounds trivial but I've really learned from the other cultures surrounding me and the amazing and different people I've gotten to know. 
My classes were overall all fantastic this semester. Art of Renaissance and Baroque and art of Modernity (however stress inducing their final papers were) were the perfect way to introduce me to art! I loved everything about the classes,  from being on-site weekly to being encouraged to delve into the tiniest detail of a painting. 
I spent my fall break in London and Paris and although it was a short trip, I got a taste of the cities and can't wait to get back. Now that I'm thinking about travel, I'm really looking forward to taking a trip next semester to Florence and Venice(hopefully for Carnivale).- I am ridiculously lucky to have the chance to even think of this experience and my mom and dad are incredible people to give me this chance.
I've finished my 3 final papers that had been haunting me and now I'm counting down! I can't wait for so many things- thai noon, crepes, burgerville, skiing, mom's christmas decorations, all my special people(i.e. claire molly, char, simon), especially my family.
Now four finals, packing up, then home free!