Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Pelosi Mania

Guess who I talked to this morning? Nancy Pelosi! The conference was called “Tackling Climate Change: The Way Forward to Copenhagen”. She spoke a bit then a few other congressmen/her delegation did and 3 Italian politicians and a scientist gave 10 minute presentations about what will happen if we ignore the changing climate any longer. But the coolest part was after the conference the students (probably 30 of us from a bunch of universities) got to go to another room and meet them all! I talked to Pelosi for a while and asked her about Jackie Spears then about mom volunteering way back when, and I'm thinking she was just being a politician, but she said oh yes I remember! Then she said "find the other congresswoman, she'll know Sharon". So I talked to Anna Eshoo,and she said "oh yes Sharon, from the FDA?" Nope!
It was so exciting, and funny that the only way I would be able to chat with Nancy Pelosi was if I was in Rome! I was too nervous to say much else to her but I got to chat a little with Eshoo then this neat woman from the department from Agriculture(who almost pushed me into Pelosi trying to get me closer to her for a picture) and another man from Pelosi's delegation and his wife. We were waiting for an interview to finish, so I got to chat with them about Rome and where they've been, then asked if they did the classic "holding the tower up" pose in Pisa. they did not. What a great way to start out the week!
I also saw Slumdog Millionaire last night, it was wonderful! I've been raving about it all day, feeling prettaay inspired. The sun finally came out today, no doubt improving the day just a little bit more.

I was also very inspired by how much emphasis they put on the topic of climate change and the insistence that we have have to start acting on the issue now. The fact that some of us may be scared to admit the environment is rapidly changing for the worse does not mean it isn't happening or that we can't do anything about it. I am so glad this administration is not only taking such a huge issue seriously, but pushing it beyond the initial steps (Kyoto) (or dousing them before they happen (ahem bush regime)) to work together, especially between the EU and the US.
When did humans decide to be so seperated from eachother by the colors of the flag we are born under? We really are just one people, on one earth, and we should truly be working together.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Blog Abandonment

Sooo, it's been awhile. I don't have internet in my new apartment, so I have been enjoying the time I have away from all the constant technology. I am back in Rome after a wonderful winter break in snowy PDX. It was so good to see my family and friends, but a month was just long enough that I forgot what I loved about Roma. The sledding, the girls, the momma and the daddy, mom's decorations, and christmas time in general were such a sweet break- especially after finals and getting out of student housing! I went to San Diego with my parents for a TNNA convention for Lantern Moon and it was beautiful. It was good to get a taste of some beautiful weather (80F) and amazing sunsets, a mini vacation. Plus, I got to see my parents in action, they do and make some amazing things! Celebs of the knitting world...
It was hard to come back, but now that I'm here I remember how lucky I am. I am in a new apartment, conveniently located 2 blocks from school and by all the main bus lines. I have plenty of personal space- my own room and bathroom- and a wonderful flat mate, Meaghan. I'm taking Italian, Intro. to American Politics, and Intro. to Psychology, and two art classes- Contemporary Art and Arts of Antiquity. I talked to my advisor about minoring in Studio Art (getting my hands dirty) but who knows what will happen, maybe a semester in Spain?
For now, I am content in my classes, making new friends (especially considering more than half the school is new each semester!), and just living. in Rome.
Just beginning a lovely 3 day weekend, filled with love, and no plans! I can't wait.
Happy Valentines Day!
Love, Sally
p.s. Nancy Pelosi will be in Rome next week, and I luckily grabbed the last of 12 spots from AUR to go see her oon Tuesday! I'm really looking forward to it :)