Sunday, February 15, 2009

Blog Abandonment

Sooo, it's been awhile. I don't have internet in my new apartment, so I have been enjoying the time I have away from all the constant technology. I am back in Rome after a wonderful winter break in snowy PDX. It was so good to see my family and friends, but a month was just long enough that I forgot what I loved about Roma. The sledding, the girls, the momma and the daddy, mom's decorations, and christmas time in general were such a sweet break- especially after finals and getting out of student housing! I went to San Diego with my parents for a TNNA convention for Lantern Moon and it was beautiful. It was good to get a taste of some beautiful weather (80F) and amazing sunsets, a mini vacation. Plus, I got to see my parents in action, they do and make some amazing things! Celebs of the knitting world...
It was hard to come back, but now that I'm here I remember how lucky I am. I am in a new apartment, conveniently located 2 blocks from school and by all the main bus lines. I have plenty of personal space- my own room and bathroom- and a wonderful flat mate, Meaghan. I'm taking Italian, Intro. to American Politics, and Intro. to Psychology, and two art classes- Contemporary Art and Arts of Antiquity. I talked to my advisor about minoring in Studio Art (getting my hands dirty) but who knows what will happen, maybe a semester in Spain?
For now, I am content in my classes, making new friends (especially considering more than half the school is new each semester!), and just living. in Rome.
Just beginning a lovely 3 day weekend, filled with love, and no plans! I can't wait.
Happy Valentines Day!
Love, Sally
p.s. Nancy Pelosi will be in Rome next week, and I luckily grabbed the last of 12 spots from AUR to go see her oon Tuesday! I'm really looking forward to it :)

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